Postdoctoral Fellowship in PTSD and Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders Research and Treatment – Medical University of South Carolina

Description: A postdoctoral fellowship opportunity is available at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Addiction Sciences Division. The fellowship will provide specialized training in assessment and implementation of trauma-focused, integrated psychotherapies for PTSD and co-occurring substance use disorders (SUD). The trainee will work on NIH-funded clinical trials examining innovative integrated treatments using prolonged exposure (PE) or cognitive processing therapy (CPT), combined with relapse prevention for SUD, for the treatment of PTSD+SUD. These projects also offer additional points of advanced multidisciplinary training, including pharmacotherapy augmentation with oxytocin and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to capture daily changes in symptoms. The trainee may also work on other ongoing projects funded through NIH or the VA. The fellowship includes mentored research training and opportunities for data analyses, dissemination of research findings, and ongoing seminars and workshops to advance early-stage investigators’ research careers. The fellowship focuses on clinical research skills necessary for applying for career development awards such as K awards or R-series grants. The trainee will work with a multidisciplinary team of investigators, including internationally recognized psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as biostatisticians, social workers, and professionals from other fields of study. Trainee activities may include conducting secondary data analyses of clinical trials, assisting with manuscript and conference abstract preparation and submissions, implementing behavioral therapies with patients with co-occurring PTSD+SUD, and assisting with grant applications or other scholarly works.  

The fellowship is full-time (40 hours/week) and in-person at MUSC in Charleston, SC. The MUSC psychiatry department is located on MUSC’s main campus on the peninsula of downtown Charleston. MUSC has a substantial research enterprise with over $300 million in extramural funds received in 2023. The MUSC department of psychiatry is ranked 9th among all psychiatry departments in the U.S. in terms of NIH funding. There are three institutional T32s in the department funded by NIDA, NIAAA and NIMH. The Diversity in Addictions Research Training (DART) program, one of the longest-standing NIDA R25 education and training programs in the country, is also housed in the psychiatry department at MUSC. MUSC offers several institutional K12 career development awards for internally funded K awards and has a strong track record of externally funded K23 and similar K awards. A competitive salary and benefits will be provided based on the NIH scale.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in clinical or counseling psychology or related mental health field from an accredited institution. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Training in cognitive behavioral therapy and an interest in data analyses and scientific writing are preferred.

We value an inclusive and diverse workplace and community. Applications from candidates who can contribute to these values are strongly encouraged.

To apply:  submit a cover letter and CV in one PDF document to Dr. Sudie Back at