Postdoctoral Fellowship – Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Division of Addiction Psychiatry

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Division of Addiction Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, within the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS). Under the direction of the Principal Investigator, the Postdoctoral Fellow position will encompass work on various aspects of research projects ranging from inception (e.g., study formulation, grant-writing, protocol development etc.) to manuscript publication. The Postdoctoral Fellow will participate in the implementation of research studies relating to behavioral interventions for substance use disorders, including mindfulness-based treatments and motivational interviewing. These studies will primarily focus on the treatment needs of individuals with chronic pain and opioid, tobacco, and other substance use disorders. Mentorship for developing research ideas and methods, conducting clinical trials, and writing grants will be provided. Clinical opportunities and supervision for clinical hours available.

Candidates should have a doctoral degree in psychology, social work, counseling or related field, research experience, and writing skills. Applicants should have ability to lead and collaborate with multidisciplinary teams.

To become a part of our vibrant community, applicants should submit a CV, cover letter and a brief statement of research accomplishments and plans to Dr. Nina Cooperman,

For the full posting see: