STAR T32 Research Fellowship – Brown University

We are excited to announce that the T32 postdoctoral research fellowship program in Stress, Trauma, and Resilience (STAR T32) is accepting applications for the 2025-2026 training year, contingent on our pending grant renewal. This research fellowship program is available through the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and located at the Miriam Hospital, in Providence, Rhode Island.

The STAR T32 research training program is an intensive fellowship designed to prepare PhD and MD postdoctoral fellows to conduct cutting-edge, translational, developmentally informed research on childhood stress, trauma and resilience. The STAR T32 program takes a broad approach to stress, adversity, and trauma experienced by children and families and their impact on health outcomes across development, including research on adults with a history of early and later stress/trauma. Fellows emerge as innovative and productive independent investigators through intensive mentorship, foundational didactics, and formulation of an independent STAR research project and grant proposal. Fellows also benefit from activities and career development opportunities offered through thCOBRE Center for Stress, Trauma, and Resiliencewhich provides infrastructure to catalyze the development of early career faculty and includes a Technology, Assessment, Data, and Analysis Core and a Community Collaborative Core.    

The program embraces an apprenticeship model where fellows work closely with one of a broad base of exceptional faculty mentors conducting innovative, NIH-funded, translational research in STAR-related areas often involving diverse, marginalized and minoritized populations. Fellows may also receive additional mentorship from a secondary mentor depending on the trainee’s interests and training needs. Foundational didactics include training in research design, grant writing, professional development, and ethical issues in research. Ongoing funded projects take a comprehensive and in-depth approach to the full range of exposures and traumas, which include pre- and post-natal exposure to stress, trauma, and substance use, domestic violence and parenting influences, childhood maltreatment, parental loss, trauma presenting to the emergency department, gun violence, neighborhood violence, peer interactions, as well as poverty and other contextual risk and resilience factors occurring throughout development and into adulthood. Research topics also include a focus on the biological (genomic, epigenomic, metabolic, hormonal, inflammatory mechanisms), social (including virtual and online interactions), and behavioral pathways and mechanisms of risk and resilience for health disparities and consequences of adversity; health behaviors and outcomes including birth outcomes, as well as later behavioral, psychiatric, and other medical conditions; and interventions and community partnerships that are evidence-based and provide services and treatments to those children and families most at risk. 

The program recognizes that fellows from backgrounds underrepresented in the biomedical workforce may have unique needs, and we are committed to providing tailored support to promote their success. Candidates of all training backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Applications received by December 4 will be given priority, however applications will continue to be reviewed on a rolling basis.

For more information about the STAR T32, please visit:

To apply and for more details about the Brown postdoctoral fellowship program, please see attached and visit: Postdoctoral Fellowship Applicants.

To learn more about the STAR COBRE Center, please visit:

For questions, please email