Tenured or Tenure Track Faculty – The Brain Health Institute and Rutgers Addiction Research Center
The Brain Health Institute (BHI; brainhealthinstitute.rutgers.edu) and Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC; addiction.rutgers.edu) are recruiting a tenured or tenure track faculty member at the Assistant/Associate/Professor level to expand our research program in addiction research with policy implications. Senior candidates will be considered for an Associate Director role in the RARC, a leadership position overseeing the growth of targeted research areas within the RARC.
The RARC, an initiative of the Brain Health Institute, is a translational research center that brings together researchers from across the Rutgers campuses, medical schools, and health systems for collaborative, interdisciplinary work focused on tackling addiction. With over 150 faculty who work across the domains of Basic Science, Epidemiology, Etiology, & Prevention, Treatment & Recovery, and Policy, the RARC is among the largest translational addiction research centers in the world. Research areas of interest under the Policy domain include but are not limited to policy evaluation, dissemination and implementation science, health economics, health services research, laboratory studies to evaluate emerging products, or other areas with implications for addiction policy. The RARC Policy domain is especially interested in expanding expertise in newly-emerging areas in addictive behaviors including cannabis and psychedelics. The successful candidate must have a PhD, MD or equivalent doctoral degree, and a research program with currently active federal funding that addresses key public policy questions related to substance-based and/or behavioral addictions.
To visit the full job announcement, click HERE, or reach out to search committee chair, Dr. Kristina Jackson, at rarc@bhi.rutgers.edu with the subject line, “RARC Faculty Position – Policy”.