Awards for Excellence submissions for the 87th CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting are open fall 2024.

Awards for Excellence Descriptions

This award is named after Mary Jeanne Kreek, who, along with her colleagues, Vincent Dole and Marie Nyswander, had a leading role in the development and implementation of methadone. Dr. Kreek’s pioneering work fostered dignity and respect in the treatment of patients with heroin addiction, and she was a long-time proponent of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) research. This award was established in 2022 to recognize scientists who have focused their research efforts on improving the lives of individuals from underserved populations with substance use problems. Nominees from all career stages, including those engaged in preclinical as well as clinical research, who prioritize DEI in their work, will be considered. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  1. Letter written by Nominator outlining the Nominee’s major accomplishments, especially as they relate to enhancing DEI in substance use research. Please use “nominee’s last name_accomplishments”, e.g. Jones_accomplishments in the attachment name.
  2. Current copy of Nominee’s curriculum vitae. Please use “nominee’s last name_CV”, e.g. Jones_CV in the attachment name.
  3. Two separate letters of support (additional nominators’ letters will not be considered). Please use “nominee’s last name_supportletter”, e.g. Jones_supportletter in the attachment name.
CPDD requests brief acceptance comments from the recipient.
The Nathan B. Eddy Memorial Award was established in memory of one of the pioneers in the field of drug dependence following his death in 1973. The award acknowledges outstanding research efforts that have advanced our knowledge of drug dependence. Nominees may be citizens of any country and are selected by the Awards committee. To see previous recipients, click here. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  1. Letter written by Nominator outlining the Nominee’s major accomplishments. Please use “nominee’s last name_accomplishments”, e.g. Jones_accomplishments in the attachment name.
  2. Current copy of Nominee’s curriculum vitae. Please use “nominee’s last name_CV”, e.g. Jones_CV in the attachment name.
  3. Two separate letters of support (additional nominators’ letters will not be considered). Please use “nominee’s last name_supportletter”, e.g. Jones_supportletter in the attachment name.
CPDD required the recipient to provide brief acceptance comments, a lecture and attendance at two-years of Annual Meetings.
This award in memory of Marian W. Fischman, a respected leader in drug abuse research and an outstanding scientist, was established in 2001 to recognize the contributions of an outstanding woman scientist in drug abuse research. To view a list of previous recipients, click here. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  1. Letter written by Nominator outlining the Nominee’s major accomplishments. Please use “nominee’s last name_accomplishments”, e.g. Jones_accomplishments in the attachment name.
  2. Current copy of Nominee’s curriculum vitae. Please use “nominee’s last name_CV”, e.g. Jones_CV in the attachment name.
  3. Two separate letters of support (additional nominators’ letters will not be considered). Please use “nominee’s last name_supportletter”, e.g. Jones_supportletter in the attachment name.
CPDD requests the recipient to provide brief acceptance comments and lecture at the Annual Meeting.
Established in 2000 as the CPDD Mentorship Award and renamed the Robert Balster Mentorship Award in 2024, is given annually to a member of CPDD who has been an exemplary mentor to developing researchers in the field of drug dependence. Individuals should be nominated by a former or current trainee. To review a list of previous recipients, click here. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  1. Letter written by Nominator outlining the Nominee’s major accomplishments. Please use “nominee’s last name_accomplishments”, e.g. Jones_accomplishments in the attachment name.
  2. Current copy of Nominee’s curriculum vitae. Please use “nominee’s last name_CV”, e.g. Jones_CV in the attachment name.
  3. Two separate letters of support (additional nominators’ letters will not be considered). Please use “nominee’s last name_supportletter”, e.g. Jones_supportletter in the attachment name.
  4. List of trainees that includes categories of mentees (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, clinical, post-doc), duration/years of mentoring and type of mentorship (e.g., primary research mentor, committee member).
CPDD requests the recipient to provide brief acceptance comments.
This award, in memory of a respected leader in drug abuse research and a former Chairman and Executive Secretary of CPDD, was established in 1986 to recognize research contributions in any facet of the field of drug abuse. It is given annually to an investigator who has demonstrated excellence in their field of research, authored several publications, and not attained his/her 40th birthday by July 1st in the year of the award. To view a list of previous recipients, click here. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  1. Letter written by Nominator outlining the Nominee’s major accomplishments. Please use “nominee’s last name_accomplishments”, e.g. Jones_accomplishments in the attachment name.
  2. Current copy of Nominee’s curriculum vitae. Please use “nominee’s last name_CV”, e.g. Jones_CV in the attachment name.
  3. Two separate letters of support (additional nominators’ letters will not be considered). Please use “nominee’s last name_supportletter”, e.g. Jones_supportletter in the attachment name.
CPDD requests brief acceptance comments from the recipient.
The Distinguished Service Award was presented for the first time in 1994. The name was changed by CPDD to the Martin and Toby Adler Distinguished Service Award. The Award was established to honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of drug abuse beyond scientific contributions, per se, which further the mission of CPDD. There will not be a call for nominations for the award. The Executive Committee of CPDD, which includes the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Treasurer, Public Policy Officer, and Executive Officer will nominate and review qualified candidates and make the final selection. The award includes a monetary gift, a plaque, and travel expenses to the annual scientific meeting.
This award is given to an individual who or to an organization that has made major contributions through the media that have enhanced the public understanding of scientific issues concerning drug use disorders. Nominations will be provided by Media Committee Members. 
Established in 1986 as a memorial to this well-liked and respected administrator at NIDA, the Morrison Award is given every other year (even years) for outstanding contributions in the area of scientific administration related to drugs of abuse. At least two nominations are required for the award to be offered. To view a list of previous recipients, click here. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  1. Letter written by Nominator outlining the Nominee’s major accomplishments. Please use “nominee’s last name_accomplishments”, e.g. Jones_accomplishments in the attachment name.
  2. A current copy of Nominee’s curriculum vitae. Please use “nominee’s last name_CV”, e.g. Jones_CV in the attachment name.
  3. Two separate letters of support (additional nominators’ letters will not be considered). Please use “nominee’s last name_supportletter”, e.g. Jones_supportletter in the attachment name.
CPDD requests the recipient provide brief acceptance comments.
The Innovator Award, sponsored by Indivior, Inc., will recognize individuals who have developed innovative approaches in basic science, clinical research, or treatment and prevention science that reflect ground-breaking strides with potential for significant impact in the field of drug dependence. Such innovation can be in any research area, including methodological approaches or paradigms, drug or assay discoveries, drug delivery, laboratory procedures, analytic methods, conceptual advances, assessment/measurement, treatment approaches, prevention strategies or implementation. The Innovator Award is not meant to be recognition of lifetime achievement. Emphasis is placed on innovation, preferably relatively recent innovation, and potential impact. This award is given every other year, and when at least three nominees with substantial innovations are identified by the CPDD Executive Committee. Candidates do not need to be CPDD members. To view a list of previous recipients, click here. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  1. Name and email of nominee
  2. Letter describing their research that you feel supports their nomination. Please use “nominee’s last name_supportletter”, e.g. Jones_supportletter in the attachment name.
  3. Current copy of Nominee’s curriculum vitae. Please use “nominee’s last name_CV”, e.g. Jones_CV in the attachment name.
The recipient of this award is required to provide brief acceptance comments, a symposium and two-years of attendance at the Annual Meeting.
Established in 2024, the James L. Sorensen Distinguished Treatment and Service Research Mentor Awards honors senior-level researchers with 20+ years of experience who have engaged in research serving patients or in research related to the distribution and utilization of treatment services across populations groups. The award will be given to senior-level researchers who have demonstrated extensive mentorship to numerous individuals, each making significant contributions to the advancement of treatment, services, and research of substance use and addictive disorders that share Dr. Sorensen's dedication to the field.