Education Committee
Community Champions
Jesse Boggis
Predoctoral Fellow
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Jesse has been volunteering with syringe service programs in New Hampshire over the past three years. She is one of the many faces clients saw coming to pick up supplies at the Queen City Exchange in Manchester, NH and currently she volunteers with the HIV/HCV Resource Center in Lebanon, NH. In this role she prepares safe injection and wound care kits, delivers naloxone and syringe orders to clients across the Upper Valley and helps with center inventory data management. Coming to Dartmouth College as a PhD student, it was important for Jesse to find a community organization which supports people who use drugs and in the harm reduction community she has found just that: people who love their neighbors who use drugs without qualifications.
Guida Brown
Guided By Guida
Guilda Brown was recently elected to be a County Board Supervisor in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. She retired from full-time work in the field of substance use disorders in March 2022 in order to run for the same office. Guilda ran and lost -- by eight votes. So, she ran again in 2024 and won! The role of county board supervisors is to create county policy and approve expenditures. In Kenosha County, there are 23 nonpartisan supervisors elected from a geographic district of an average of 7,236 people
Teresa Franklin
Emeritus Research Associate Professor, Editor-in-chief Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Teri Franklin volunteers time, energy and expertise in scientific writing to Dr. Schroeder an orthopedist who has observed dramatic improvement or resolution of chronic localized or systemic symptoms following removal of metal (i.e., screws/plates) from the foot and/or ankle. These symptoms include chronic fatigue- and fibromyalgia-type symptoms; back and/or neck pain; headaches; brain fog; anxiety; gastro-intestinal issues including diarrhea and IBS; cardiac issues; arthritis symptoms; edema issues; hair loss; muscle spasms; and temporary episodic paralysis. Resolution of pain and restoration of function also occurs in sites of the body remote to where metal had been removed. Dr. Franklin assists with writing case studies to contribute to the accumulating evidence that various metals placed within the body of individuals who have become hypersensitive or allergic to metals can result in systemic illness, and further, that the removal of such metals can ameliorate pain and restore function. The goal of Drs. Schroeder and Franklin is to alert orthopedists to ‘Be Metal Aware’ that allergies to metals occur commonly and people are suffering needlessly.
Shane A. Perrine
Associate Professor
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Dr. Shane Perrine and his research lab group from Wayne State University’s School of Medicine spent this year’s Brain Awareness Week leading outreach activities at schools and science centers in and around Detroit, MI. The Perrine Lab group participated in Brain Day in Detroit at the Michigan Science Center on March 9, teaching children and their families about operant and classical conditioning (and testing the reinforcing power of jellybeans). The Perrine Lab group also helped students harness their brains’ superpowers at a Super Saturday event hosted by Matter of Equity 2.0: Closing the Excellence Gap in Southeast Michigan on March 9. Finally, Dr. Perrine led Brain Awareness Day at New Morning School in Plymouth, MI on March 15, where K-8 students learned about the five senses, the electrical communication between the brain and the muscles, neurodiversity, and how neuroanatomy compares across species with rat, sheep and human brains.