CPDD Early Career Member Resources
Congratulations to the following CPDD Early Career Poster Award winners:
2024 Recipients
Robert Seaman, Ph.D.
Loc Pham, B.S.
Samuel Stull, Ph.D.
Eric Rawls, Ph.D.
2022 Recipients
Martha Tillson, MA
Hayley Mankey, MA
Azizi Ray, PhD
Jonathon Chow, PhD
2023 Recipients
Erin Martin, B.A.
Jordan Carter, B.S.
Huiri Dong, Ph.D.
Harshawardhan Deshpande, Ph.D.
2021 Recipients
Kay Robinson, MSW
Michelle Doyle, BS
Joao Mauricio Castaldelli-Maia, MD, PhD
Cassie Chandler, PhD
Welcome to the CPDD Early Career Member and Community Resources page! CPDD is pleased to provide resources and information for early career members of CPDD as well as the community.
Welcome to the CPDD Early Career Member and Community Resources page! CPDD is pleased to provide resources and information for early career members of CPDD as well as the community.
This Facebook group is specifically for our student and early career CPDD community. This group is a space to share important CPDD-related information, job opportunities, and science.
Early Career Membership FAQ
Questions about membership? Visit the Early Career Membership FAQS.
Open Psychology PhD Positions
Psychology PhD Wiki is a crowdsourced site intended to provide information about the status of open PhD positions. Faculty members who would like to advertise open PhD positions for the upcoming year can add listings directly to this site. CPDD is not able to verify the information in the job postings listed on the Psychology PhD Wiki site.