Membership Benefits

(Corporate Members, click here)

Member Benefits

  • Complimentary online subscription to Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal, which in impact is among the highest-rated for substance abuse journals
  • Access to Members Only section of CPDD Web site, containing directory information, easy e-mail to other members, committee reports
  • Membership Listserv, for rapid communication of items of interest to the entire membership and posting of job opportunities
  • Impact on public policy, including educating our representatives and other governmental officials on the need to support addiction research, ensuring the science base for new policies as well as programs, dealing with human and animal research issues
  • Mentorship activities for trainees and junior faculty
  • Opportunities to serve on CPDD committees
  • Discount on registration fees to attend the annual scientific meetings
  • Eligibility to submit abstract for Late-Breaking News session



CPDD Membership Cost Saving Chart

Membership Type Dues Abstract Submission Early-Bird Registration Regular Registration Total Cost
Member In Training* $50 $50 $465 $550 $565/ $650
*Student and Post-Doc
Non-Member Student $75 $635 $695 $705/ $770
(+$140/ $120)
Non-Member Post Doc $75 $675 $835 $750/ $910
(+$235/ $310)
Associate/Regular $225 $50 $670 $760 $945/ $1035
Non-Member $75 $1015 $1,190 $1,090/ $1,265
(+$145/ $230)

*Need assistance?  Contact CPDD at


CPDD Membership Information Session

In addition, the CPDD website provides the following:

  • Access to Newsline, a biannual publication of CPDD
  • Internet-accessible program and abstracts for the Annual Scientific Meeting
  • Searchable abstract database for past meeting
