CPDD Announces 2021 Travel Award Recipients
Brentwood, TN – The College on Problems of Drug Dependence recently announced the recipients of the 2021 Travel Awards. Although the 2021 meeting will be held virtually June 21-24, Travel Award recipients will receive a complimentary registration to this year’s meeting in addition to being eligible for the same award in the future. Congratulations to all recipients.
The Stephen G. Holtzman Travel Award for Preclinical Investigators: This Travel Award was established by family & friends of Dr. Holtzman to honor his memory in tribute to his long-time service and dedication to the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. This award is given annually or biannually to either a predoctoral student or postdoctoral trainee involved in preclinical research related to substance abuse and dependence.
- Fernando B. de Moura, Ph.D.
CPDD Travel Award for Early Career Investigators: This CPDD Travel Award is given to early career investigators (pre-doctoral students enrolled in a Ph.D. program and post-doctoral scientists within 5 years of terminal degree) to attend the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting.
- Gemma Aonso-Diego, M.A.
- Emmanuelle Baillet, M.Sc.
- Gayatri Bhatia, M.D.
- Patrick Brown, B.S.
- Katrina Calakos, B.A.
- Nina Christie, M.A.
- Sarah Clingan, Ph.D.
- Sierra Castedo de Martell, M.P.H
- William Craft, B.S.
- Morgan Crowley, B.S.
- Ayomide David, B. Sc.
- Graham DiGuiseppi, M.Sc.
- Julien Dodu, B.Sc.
- Dalton Edwards, M.S.
- Andrew Fares, B.Sc.
- Zhe Fei, Ph.D.
- David Fink, Ph.D.
- Ewa Galaj, Ph.D.
- Erik Garcia, Ph.D.
- Grant Glatfelter, Ph.D.
- Rachel Hoopsick, Ph.D.
- Jennifer Hoots, M.A.
- Erin Horne, Ph.D.
- Raagini Jawa, Med.D.Sc.
- Ariana Johnson, M.P.H.
- Bernard Johnson, M.S.
- Luisa Kcomt Ph.D.
- Shailesh Khatri, Ph.D.
- Emanuel Krebs, M.A.
- Jessica Kulak, Ph.D.
- Pooja Lagisetty, M.D
- Laura Lambert, M.Sc.
- Juhan Lee, B.A,
- Huajun Liang, D.Phil.
- Kelsey Lucerne, B.S.
- Sarah Lynn, M.S.
- Daniel Martins, M.Sc.
- Kristen McLaurin, Ph.D.
- Christina Merritt, B.S.
- Barrett, Montgomery, B.S.
- Catherine Moore Ph.D.
- Lauren Nguyen, B.A.
- Daria Piacentino, M.D.
- Stephanie Parent, M.P.H.
- Emily Peck, B.S.
- Stephen Robertson, Ph.D.
- Kelly Sagar, Ph.D.
- Karl Schmidt, Ph.D.
- Paige Shaffer, M.P.H.
- Vinita Sharma, Ph.D.
- Jessica Sharp, D.Phil.
- Justin Shepherd, M.A.
- Kelsey Simpson, M.A.
- Ashley Smith, Ph.D.
- Kyle Snyder, B.S.
- Ryan Sullivan, M.S.
- Forrest Toegel, Ph.D.
- Devin Tomlinson, B.S.
- Richa Tripathi, M.D.
- Helena Valente, B.Sc.
- Alyssa, Vanderziel, M.S.
- Kainan Wang, Ph.D.
- Heather Ward, M.D.
- Rhiannon Wiley, B.A.
The FORCE (Female Opioid-addiction Research and Clinical Experts) Junior Investigator Travel Awards: These travel awards are provided by a non-profit organization comprised of women with scientific, health policy, and medical expertise in opioid addiction. The awards are intended to foster research conducted by female junior scientists in all areas of opioid abuse research.
- Laura Brandt, Ph.D.
- Irene Pericot-Valverde, Ph.D.
The CPDD International Travel Award: The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) support an International Travel Award for substance abuse researchers from low-income, lower-middle-income, or upper middle-income countries (as defined by the World Bank) to participate in the NIDA International Forum (a satellite meeting of CPDD), the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting, and associated research training activities.
- Gayatri Bhatia, M.D.
- Afolabi Oyapero, M.P.H.
- Suzaily Wahab, Dr (Psych)
NIDA Director’s Travel Award: The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) anticipates supporting approximately 20 early career investigators to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting of CPDD with the NIDA Director’s Travel Award program. The purpose of the award is to help defray the cost of attending CPDD for promising young scientists supported by NIDA training or career development grants.
- Angel Algarin, Ph.D.
- Trent Bullock, M.A.
- Danielle Davis, Ph.D.
- Teresa DeAtley, M.P.H.
- Michelle Doyle, B.S.
- Alice Ely, Ph.D.
- Nicole Fitzgerald, B.A.
- Brianna George, B.A.
- Priscila, Gonclaves, Ph.D.
- Sarah Gutkind, M.S.
- Zachary Mannes, Ph.D.
- Nathaniel Moxley-Kelly, M.Sc.
- Alexandra Palmisano, Ph.D.
- Justin Strickland, Ph.D.
- Andre B. Toussant, M.A.
- Neil Varshneya, Ph.D.
- Noel Vest, Ph.D.
- Alison Wadeford, Ph.D.
- Heather Webber, Ph.D.
NIDA Women & Sex/Gender Junior Investigator Travel Award: NIDA will provide travel awards for up to 20 early career investigators who analyze their data by sex or conduct female-focused research as indicated in their CPDD abstract. Both clinical and preclinical research has shown that the antecedents, consequences, and mechanisms of drug addiction, as well as treatment and prevention outcomes, often differ between males and females.
- Janna Ataiants, Dr.P.H.
- Elizabeth Charron, Ph.D.
- Alba Gonzales-Roz, Ph.D.
- Erin Maher, Ph.D.
- Erin Martin, B.A.
- Hannah Mayberry, B.S.
- Victor Martinez-Loredo, Ph.D.
- Elisa Pabon, B.S.
- Jobe Ritchie, B.S.
- Pedro Rodriguez-Rivera, M.P.H.
- Joy Scheidell, Ph.D.
- Drew Townsend, Ph.D.
CPDD Primm-Singleton Minority Travel Awards: The Under-Represented Populations Committee (URPOP) of the College on the Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) provides a limited number of travel awards to attend the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting. Applicants must be members of an ethnic minority group under-represented in substance abuse research, including but not limited to African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
- Emmanuel Alvarez, B.S.
- Mehreen Arif, M.P.H.
- Bryan Benitez, M.A.
- Whitney Cordoba-Grueso, M.D.
- Coralee Perez-Pedrogo, Ph.D.
- Edda Rodriguez, M.P.H.
For more information on the CPDD 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting, visit http://cpdd.wpenginepowered.com/meetings/current-meeting/.