Earn triple donations when customers make their first AmazonSmile purchase between March 12-31.
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Dear Charity Administrator,

The AmazonSmile triple donation promotion starts today! Amazon is tripling the donation amount to 1.5% when customers make their first eligible smile.amazon.com purchase from March 12 - 31. This is a great opportunity to increase The College On Problems of Drug Dependence Inc's AmazonSmile donations by reminding your supporters to shop at smile.amazon.com.

For additional details about the promotion, visit the promotion detail page.

Use the message and banner below in email, social media, and on your website to spread the word to your donors, staff, and volunteers.

3x your impact! Amazon is tripling the donation rate on your first smile.amazon.compurchase - through March 31! Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/52-1085847 and Amazon donates to The College On Problems of Drug Dependence Inc.

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Triple AmazonSmile Donations on First AmazonSmile Purchases
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