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Drug and Alcohol Dependence Editorial Fellowship Program

CPDD’s journal, Drug and Alcohol Dependence (DAD), is pleased to announce an additional Editorial Fellowship position to begin July 1, 2024. The fellowship has a two-year duration and ends in June, 2026. Hence, applicants should be aware of this two-year commitment, which is designed to provide a sustained experience in the editing and journal processes. The opportunity for a second year as DAD Editorial Fellow will be contingent upon performance during the first year.

The DAD Editorial Fellow will work primarily with the DAD Associate Editor in charge of the “Etiology, Epidemiology, Prevention, and Policy” section of the journal, as well as with the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Office Manager, and gain hands-on experience in managing the peer-review process, including selecting reviewers, rating reviewer comments, suggesting an editorial decision, and compiling reviewer comments into components necessary for author revision. Other aspects of the journal review process and journal management will also be addressed. The DAD Fellow will be invited to attend the Editorial Board meeting held during the annual College of Problems in Drug Dependence (CPDD) conference in 2025 (and 2026 assuming the fellow continues for the second year). Mentoring will occur electronically, with in-person occasions as logistically possible.

Fellows would be expected to commit to up to 4 hours per week for the two-year fellowship. An honorarium of $1,500 per year will be provided for this position, and the Fellow will be expected to use a portion of this for the 2025/26 CPDD meeting registration/attendance.

Interested applicants should be in an early phase of an academic or research career in drug and/or alcohol dependence issues. For purposes of this award, “early phase” will be considered as no more than four years after the completion of training (either the end of a post-doctoral fellowship or residency), although extenuating circumstances may allow candidates who are more than four years after the completion of training to be considered.

Applicants from all parts of the world are encouraged to apply. A letter of interest in the fellowship should include a curriculum vitae and career objectives. The letter should also state that the applicant agrees to provide the requisite time and effort, and should indicate particular areas of scientific interest. Application materials should be sent to Dr. Steve Shoptaw, DAD’s Editor-in-Chief (sshoptaw@mednet.ucla.edu) and cc’d to the journal’s Editorial Office Manager, Ms. Andraya Dolbee (adolbee@mednet.ucla.edu).

Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2024. Selection will be by DAD’s editorial team