Register Today for NABR's
Q&A with the USDA Webinar!    

We have just recently opened registration for NABR’s next must-see webinar, "Q&A with the USDA - The Sixth Edition." Make sure you register immediately to guarantee your spot for this popular webinar. NABR is once again pleased to announce the return of one of its most requested webinars…the Sixth Edition of "Q&A with the USDA." Join Drs. Elizabeth Meek and Bill Stokes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Eastern and Western Region Assistant Directors for Animal Welfare Operations, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, July 24 in what will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to ask questions directly to the leadership of USDA Animal Care’s Animal Welfare Operations. They are directly responsible for the oversight of the inspection and reporting process and this webinar should not be missed.

Since the last Q&A webinar a lot has happened, including two Requests for Information (RFIs) addressing reducing administrative/regulatory burden, the release of two new Tech Notes, the possible incorporation of announced inspections into regulatory process and the launching of a new “Frequently Requested Records” page on their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) e-reading room. To better understand what impact these and other ongoing changes may have on you and your institution, you should take advantage of this unique opportunity provided to the animal research community to get your questions concerning compliance with the Animal Welfare Regulations answered.

Questions must be submitted in advance to They will be reviewed and formatted to prevent duplication and will be answered in the order they are received, so please submit them as soon as possible. As in the past, we will schedule the session for an hour but will continue the webinar until all questions have been addressed.


*This webinar is a complimentary service for NABR member institutions. Unlimited numbers of interested participants from member institutions may register free of charge. Interested participants from non-member institutions must be pre-approved and will be charged an access fee of $379/person. All major credit cards accepted.

NABR | 1100 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 1100 | Washington, DC 20005 |
Tel 202.857.0540 | Fax 202.659.1902 |