Get the latest news and announcements about the CPDD 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting.

Dear CPDD Members and Colleagues,

I am writing to update you on the status of the CPDD 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting scheduled for June 19-23, 2021, in Montreal.  Due to the vast uncertainties surrounding continued travel restrictions and the state of the Novel Coronavirus at the time of our scheduled in-person meeting, the CPDD Board of Directors and Executive Office have worked closely with the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth in Montreal to move our contract to 2024.

CPDD remains committed to holding an annual meeting that showcases the latest substance use disorder research, providing a forum for robust scientific discussion, and presenting valuable professional development opportunities for students and other early career members.  Thus, the CPDD 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting will be held virtually once again in 2021.  We have extended our deadlines to accommodate this change:

Registration Opens – Thursday, November 19, 2020
Oral/Poster Abstracts Deadline – Monday, January 4, 2021 

Please submit your work to share with your CPDD colleagues in June!  Now more than ever, it is critical for us to continue to advance science-based substance use disorder research and treatment.

We are also very excited to announce that the CPDD Executive Office has been hard at work, developing a new virtual meeting platform for our meeting.

Based directly on your feedback, our new multi-dimensional virtual meeting conference hall will include:
• Personalized, up-to-date profiles for each attendee and the ability to browse registered attendees, to see who is currently online, and to initiate chats with colleagues
• An easy-to-navigate, filterable poster gallery with the ability to access the abstract, poster image, participate in live discussion forums and online meetings with the presenter, as well as archived access to pre-recorded audio poster tours
• Interactive program with easy-to-find upcoming events and the ability to jump directly into the desired event
• Scrolling panel highlighting current live programming as well as what’s coming up next
• Innovative Virtual Coffee Rooms to facilitate real-time networking and connecting with friends and colleagues
• Ability to customize a personalized comprehensive schedule with direct access links to each session, as well as access to daily archived recordings of conference programming

I believe you will be delighted with this dynamic new platform! As always, thank you for your support.  Until we can come together again in person, I’m excited for us to share and discuss science using this brand-new, innovative approach.  If you have any questions, please contact us at or directly at 615.432.0099.

Stacey Sigmon
CPDD President