Submissions open through January 10, 2025

Get ready for an incredible opportunity at the 2025 CPDD Annual Meeting! This year, CPDD is excited to offer over 70 prestigious travel awards designed to support and celebrate a diverse group of rising stars in the field. Here’s what’s up for grabs:

• CPDD International Travel Awards
• CPDD Primm-Singleton Minority Travel Awards
• CPDD Travel Awards for Early Career Investigators
• FORCE Junior Investigator Travel Awards
• NIDA Director's Travel Awards
• NIDA Women & Sex/Gender Junior Investigator Awards
• Stephen G. Holtzman Travel Award for Preclinical Investigators


Travel Award Descriptions

The Stephen G. Holtzman Travel Award for Preclinical Investigators was established by family & friends of Dr. Holtzman to honor his memory in tribute to his long-time service and dedication to the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. This award is given annually or biannually to either a predoctoral student or postdoctoral trainee involved in preclinical research related to substance abuse and dependence.
    • Qualified applicants are those with excellence in research, but who have not yet received NIH support, or who have obtained research project funding but remain unfunded for travel to the CPDD meeting.
    • Predoctoral students must be enrolled in a program working towards a terminal degree.
    • Postdoctoral trainees are scientists who are not more than 5 years beyond their doctorate (Ph.D.) or residency (M.D., D.V.M., etc.) as of the start of the Annual Meeting.
    • S. citizenship is not a requirement.
    • Individuals who have previously received this travel award are not eligible to apply.
  • Each Award Will Include:
      • Complimentary registration
      • $1000 for travel expenses
CPDD will award a number of competitive travel fellowships to early career investigators (pre-doctoral students enrolled in Ph.D. training programs and post-doctoral scientists within 5 years of terminal degree) or students enrolled in a M.D. program to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting of CPDD. Eligibility:​​
  • Postdoctoral Awards are available to scientists who are not more than five years beyond their doctorate (Ph.D.) or residency (M.D., D.V.M., etc.).
  • Predoctoral Awards are available for individuals in Ph.D. or M.D. programs at institutions with little or no NIH support.
  • S. citizens, permanent residents and foreign scientists are eligible to apply.
  • Predoctoral students that will be supported by NIDA/NIH training grants or individuals with Predoctoral National Research Service Awards (F31) at the time of the meeting are not eligible for Predoctoral Awards.
  • Prior recipients of the CPDD Travel Award for Early Career Investigators (either predoctoral or postdoctoral) are not eligible to reapply.
Abstracts:  Applicants are required to have submitted an abstract to the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting using the online submission system. Each Award Will Include:
  • Complimentary registration
  • Up to a maximum of $1000 for travel expenses
  • Invitation to an Annual Meeting luncheon for all CPDD Early Career Investigator Awardees for the past 4 years.
The Under-Represented Populations Committee (URPOP) of the College on the Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) provides a limited number of travel awards to attend the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting. Eligibility:
  • Must have an avowed interest in a career in substance abuse research/teaching.
  • Must be members of an ethnic minority group under-represented in substance abuse research, including but not limited to African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
  • Citizenship of the United States or a permanent visa is required.
  • Previous awardees and individuals that will be supported by NIDA/NIH training grants or individual Predoctoral National Research Service Awards (F31) at time of the meeting are not eligible.
  • The preferred candidate for this award is a graduate student with a demonstrated commitment to research and/or teaching in substance abuse.
Abstracts:  Applicants are required to have submitted an abstract to the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting using the online submission system. Each Award Will Include:
  • Complimentary registration
  • Up to a maximum of $2,000 for travel expenses
FORCE (Female Opioid-addiction Research and Clinical Experts) is offering up to 3 travel awards to female early career investigators conducting research on opioids.  The FORCE Junior Investigator Travel Awards are provided by a non-profit organization comprised of women with scientific, health policy, and medical expertise in opioid addiction. The awards are intended to foster research conducted by female junior scientists in all areas of opioid abuse research.
    • Women graduate and medical students, post-doctoral students, medical residents, and investigators who are no more than five years past the doctoral degree or residency are eligible.
    • Applicant MUST be first author on the CPDD abstract.
    • Minority investigators are especially encouraged to apply.
    • Priority will be given to those who have not previously received this award.
    • U.S. federal employees and non-U.S. citizens are eligible.
    Abstracts:  Applicants are required to have submitted an abstract on opioids to the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting using the online submission system and the abstract will need to be accepted for a poster, oral session, or symposium in order to receive the award.  
      Each Award Will Include:
      • Complimentary registration
      • Up to a maximum of $1000 for travel expenses
Both clinical and preclinical research has shown that the antecedents, consequences, and mechanisms of drug addiction, as well as treatment and prevention outcomes, often differ between males and females.  These findings are increasingly reported in drug addiction research as well as in most other areas of biomedical research and raise concerns regarding potential conclusion errors in the published literature either for males or females or both when data are not analyzed by sex or only one sex is studied. In recognition of these concerns, it is now a requirement for NIH-funded research that sex as a biological variable will be factored into research designs, analyses, and reporting in vertebrate animal and human studies, and that compelling justification must be provided for single sex studies. NIDA will provide travel awards for up to 20 early career investigators who analyze their data by sex or conduct female-focused research as indicated in their CPDD abstract.
    • Graduate and medical students, post-doctoral students, medical residents, and investigators who are no more than five years past the doctoral degree or residency.
    • Applicant MUST be first author on the CPDD abstract accepted for poster, oral session, or symposium presentation.
    • Minority investigators and male investigators are especially encouraged to apply.
    • Priority may be given to those who have not previously received this award or held an R01.
    • Federal employees are ineligible.
      Abstracts:  Applicants are required to have submitted an abstract to the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting using the online submission system and the abstract will need to be accepted for a poster, oral session, or symposium in order to receive the award.  
      Each Award Will Include:
      • Up to a maximum of $1000 for travel expenses. (Registration confirmation can be submitted as part of the travel stipend.)
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) support an International Travel Award for up to two substance abuse researchers from low-income, lower-middle-income, or upper middle-income countries (as defined by the World Bank) to participate in the NIDA International Forum (a satellite meeting of CPDD), the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting, and associated research training activities. Eligibility:
      • Be a substance abuse researcher from a low-income, lower-middle-income, or upper middle-income country who completed his or her doctoral degree or residency no more than 10 years ago.
      • Conduct research on any aspect of substance use and substance use disorders.
      • Have not received travel support from NIDA or CPDD between July 1 of the previous year and June 1 of the award year.
      • Have not previously received the WHO/NIDA/CPDD International Traveling Fellowship or the CPDD International Travel Award in any prior year.
      • Live and work outside the United States at the time of application and travel.
      • Provide eligible abstracts submitted for both CPDD and the NIDA International Forum.
Abstracts:  Applicants are required to submit an abstract to both the NIDA International Forum and the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting using the two meetings’ separate online submission systems. Abstract submission for the two meetings usually opens in early November. Winners are not eligible for the CPDD best poster award for the NIDA International Forum in the award year. Priority will be given to applications by the first author on the abstract submitted, but the committee will consider competitive applications from qualified individuals who are the second author on the abstract submitted. Note: CPDD requires that a CPDD member sponsor a research abstract submitted by a nonmember. The Chair of the CPDD International Committee, Dr. Francesca Filbey, has agreed to sponsor abstract submissions by international researchers who are not CPDD members and do not have a working relationship with a CPDD member in good standing willing to sponsor them. Each Award Will Include:
        • Up to a maximum of $2,000 for travel expenses (Registration confirmation can be submitted as part of the travel stipend.)
        • Complimentary registration to the CPDD meeting for the 2 consecutive years following the award year.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) anticipates supporting approximately 20 early career investigators to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting of CPDD with the NIDA Director’s Travel Award program.  The purpose of the award is to help defray the cost of attending CPDD for promising young scientists supported by NIDA training or career development grants.  Awardees will receive free registration in the NIDA Grant-Writing/Career Workshop held on the first day of the meeting (before the opening reception). Eligibility
      • Must be a NIDA-supported NRSA fellow, NRSA trainee, Diversity Supplement recipient or Mentored Career Development Award PI.
      • Awardees must attend the NIDA Grant-Writing/Career Workshop, held in conjunction with the CPDD Meeting. Selection for this travel award will automatically enroll you in this workshop.
      • Preference will be given to junior investigators presenting at the CPDD conference, and to those who have not previously received this award.
Each Award Will Include: Up to a maximum of $1000 for travel expenses. (Registration confirmation can be submitted as part of the travel stipend.)
CPDD gives an award for scientists from low-, lower middle-, and upper middle-income countries who present their research at the Joint NIDA International Forum/CPDD Workshop International Research Poster Session.
    Eligibility: All eligible poster presenters will be considered for the award if:
  • They are citizens of a low-, lower middle-, or upper middle-income country as defined by the World Bank.
  • The research was conducted in their home country or another low-, lower middle-, or upper middle-income country.
  • They are present during the entire NIDA International Forum/CPDD International Research Poster Session Workshop.
      *An application is not necessary.
    Each Award Will Include:
  • 3 nights’ accommodation at the CPDD Conference hotel for the 2021 or 2022 CPDD and NIDA International Forum meetings.